速報APP / 工具 / Advanced Data Manager: mobile & WiFi dat

Advanced Data Manager: mobile & WiFi dat





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:53 Dewey Dr, Toronto, ON M1R 3K7, Canada

Advanced Data Manager: mobile & WiFi data-saving(圖1)-速報App

Having trouble keeping track of your mobile data? Probably not considering all the hassle it entails. Advanced Data Manager is a handy data monitoring app that can help you take control of your mobile data. It keeps track of both your Mobile and Wi-Fi Internet data usage and provides alerts as well as notifications when you are nearing the limit of your mobile data plan, ensuring you avoid overage fees. Some key features include:

Advanced Data Manager: mobile & WiFi data-saving(圖2)-速報App

Advanced Data Manager: mobile & WiFi data-saving(圖3)-速報App

- App Level Data Monitoring: Track your data usage on mobile, Wi-Fi, and roaming

Advanced Data Manager: mobile & WiFi data-saving(圖4)-速報App

- Restrict Data: Create profiles that can be easily managed to restrict data for specific apps. This means you can create a vacation profile, work profile, and more to ensure you won’t be charged overage fees. For example, you can restrict data usage for certain apps when roaming. Setup multiple profiles in a few clicks.

Advanced Data Manager: mobile & WiFi data-saving(圖5)-速報App

- App Data Tracker: Find out which apps are eating up your mobile data

Advanced Data Manager: mobile & WiFi data-saving(圖6)-速報App

- Alarms: Set custom usage alarms to avoid overage charges and “bill shock”

Advanced Data Manager: mobile & WiFi data-saving(圖7)-速報App

- Shared Plans: Set up a shared or family plan and track usage across all members of your data plan

Advanced Data Manager: mobile & WiFi data-saving(圖8)-速報App

- Data Usage History: Track historical consumption to ensure you are on the right mobile data plan

Simply download and install the app on your device and set your daily data limit. You’ll be notified when your daily data counter goes above the predefined limit. Reduce your data usage and save money!

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